Voiceover for Games
Credits include:
Total War: Warhammer 2 & 3, Dark Souls 2, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Tin Hearts, The Excavation of Hobs Barrow, Rogue Trader 40k, Forgotton Anne, Live A Live, The Bard’s Tale IV, Neuronet: Mendax Proxy.
Having grown up with a ZX Spectrum and been a console owner all the way up to the current generation, voicing games has always been a huge passion of mine.
As games become more advanced and filmic, authentic characterisation and believable performances are becoming more important, regardless of whether you’re playing a grounded character or a very heightened one. Having trained at one of the foremost drama schools in the UK, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, has provided me with an entire toolbox of techniques to draw upon depending on the project. I have also coached extensively with Dave Fennoy, Tom Keegan and Adele Cutting on a huge variety of different gaming material.
Essential for gaming work is the ability to inhabit a number of different characters at the drop of a hat, as some projects require a whole host of different voices to populate a world.
As many games involve long sessions and a series of ‘efforts’ to be recorded, having rock-solid vocal technique and stamina is also vital.
Having worked on a huge range of projects, from triple AAA titles to small Indie projects and everything in-between, I have extensive experience of delivering performances perfectly suited to each individual project. Being a gamer doesn’t automatically make you proficient at voicing them, but my experience lends me a greater understanding of the mechanics of different genres, and how a vocal performance can serve that. Having recorded both VO and full motion-capture, I’m fully prepared to conduct extensive sessions in person or via remote direction, with Source Connect, ipDTL, Skype and Zoom all available.
Video Game Showreel
Rogue Trader 40k
Neuronet: Mendax Proxy
Behind the Scenes…
Fantasy Orc (Warhammer 40k)
Heartfelt Hero (Assassin’s Creed)
Manipulative Villain (Bioshock)
Raging Cockney (Peaky Blinders)