Commercial Voiceover
Commercial voiceover can be used to deliver key messages, brand statements, CTAs (call to action), slogans, tags and legals (those sped-up lines at the ends of commercials). Whilst the hard sell is still very well used and important in the right script, styles are almost infinite, with more commercials written for an understated, honest and reassuring natural read. This shift from being ‘spoken at’ to ‘spoken to’ is both subtle and profound.
It’s not enough for a voiceover to just sound nice; they must understand how different types of ad copy work, how to colour the selling points authentically, draw on acting techniques to make the messaging sincere, and have an appreciation of how the voice matches the rhythm and mood of a whole project.
As an award winning actor with well over a decade of experience, language is central to what I do. Combining that with continual training alongside industry-leading coaches such as Nancy Wolfson means I am capable of a whole range of styles, and have a sensitivity to the developing tastes of commercial copy.
Having the capacity to be directed is particularly crucial for commercials, when the aim is to create maximum impact in the shortest time possible. My own studio is fully equipped to hold remote directed sessions via Source Connect, ipDTL, CleanFeed, Skype and Zoom.
The Red Sea
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