Corporate Voiceover
I work on a variety of corporate voiceovers every day, and that’s the key word: variety.
Sometimes it’s for big businesses – banks, aeroplane companies, car brands – and sometimes I’m working with smaller ones – start ups, upcoming fashion labels etc. A lot tend to be in-house, while others can be for big events, like videos launching a new aspect of a business, model of a car etc. Whatever the job, it’s always different to the last.
Whether it’s B2B, B2C or B2E, the voice takes on the responsibility of representing the company.
As a result, I always make sure to research the client thoroughly, adopt an appropriate style for the project in hand, make crystal clear who the target audience is and how we want them to feel, and focus on the keywords and messaging within the copy.
Self-sufficiency can also be a vital factor with corporate work. Some companies don’t have the budget or time to attend a recording session, so being able to self direct and provide multiple takes at short notice is essential. But I am also happy to arrange directed sessions via standard video-conferencing platforms such as Skype and Zoom, as well as Source Connect, ipDTL, CleanFeed etc.
Meridian Audio