The cognitive dissonance of the internet has got to me.

The economy is a mess.
Global conflicts continue to escalate.
Talented people get laid off to boost CEO bonuses.

You can say 'it's always like this'....
But f**k me man.

The job of an actor is to π—˜π— π—£π—”π—§π—›π—œπ—¦π—˜.
It's to find the resonance in other people's stories.
But if you actually do that, it can be tricky to disconnect.

Like most of us, I'm just trying to keep the lights on.
If I can do that in an entertaining and educational way that helps my business, even better.

But the first step in any problem is acknowledging it.

So this week I'm mainly going to be:

Spending less time online
Spending more time outdoors.
And donating to UNICEF:

You’re not alone, if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
And I hope that you get to find the space and time to do what you need to do, to recuperate ✌️

By British Male Actor Christopher Tester