What you’ll hear: a clear, characterful voice that delivers your message, but also engages.

What you may *not clock:
- Vocal articulation drills. Countless, endless articulation drills
- Vocal health habits, to make sure my voice can take anything from extreme voicing, to long days in a recording studio
- Liaison with directors and/or producers, to make sure I fully understand the brief and know what they have in mind
- Script reads and character prep, to make sure I’m fully across the character and the storyline BEFORE I come to the studio
- If I’m recording something from my own studio, making sure my equipment is in tip-top shape and ready to go, to avoid any gnarly technical glitches
- Getting myself out there and in view of potential clients. I do heaps of self promotion to make sure the right people find me

It takes a lot of prep and after thought to deliver something that may sound so easy.

I’d love to hear whether you find this to be the case for you and your job remit, too…please let me know in the comments.

#MondayThoughts #Preparation #Dedication