What reaction are you trying to get?
As I approach 120k followers on Tiktok,
I'm now getting frequent 'reaction' videos to my posts.
They've got me thinking about this question.
I don't offer a service tons of people need right now.
So rather than try a hard sell, I want to give you something memorable.
It might make you laugh.
It might make you sad.
It might make you think.
My only job is to be engaging enough so that when you,
or someone you know, DOES need a voiceover...
you can't think of anyone else
(Don't get me wrong, I'm also reaching out directly to decision makers every spare moment that I have.
But sharing creatively is what makes me tick, so here's where I'll mostly be!)
#videomarketing #videocontent #viralpost #contentcreation #voiceover